Year 7 & 8 Religious Education

 God – Te Atua- Io Matua Kone – “ the Father almighty” 
  • Jesus Christ – Hehu Karaiti – ‘ his only Son, Our Lord”
  • Holy Spirit – Te Wairua Tapu – “ the Lord, giver of life”
  • Church  - Community of Disciples – Te Whanau a Te Karaiti
  • Sacrament – Hakarameta
  • Communion of Saints – Te Kotahitanga o Te Hunga Tapu
LEARNING- “the Father almighty”
Year 7: God's Desire for Humanity
Achievement Objectives
Children will be able:
1.       Recognise that God has made people to grow and change and, through the gift of grace to become more like Jesus by turning away from sin.
2.       Recognise the gifts God gives to people can be used in the Church to worship God and to bring about the Kingdom or Reign of Justice, Peace and Mercy on earth.
3.       Develop an understanding that God's desire for all is happiness and fullness of life on earth and especially with God forever in heaven.
4.       Recognise that all creation, seen and unseen, is graced by God and redeemed, and therefore even though it is affected by sin it has its own tapu and mana which must be respected.
Year 8: The Mystery of God
Achievement Objectives
Children will be able to:
1.       Develop an understanding of the concept of the mystery of God.
2.       Recognise the paradox of the God who is both near and distant.
3.       Recognise that the Christian Tradition reveals God to be a Trinity of three Persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit who as one God creates, redeems and sanctifies.
Year 7: Jesus - Saviour and Liberator
Achievement Objectives
Children will be able to:
1. Develop an understanding of how, through Jesus' life, death and resurrection, God saves people from sin. 
2. Identify and explain Jesus' role which is to lead people into the life of the Trinity. 
3. Identify and explain how the Eucharist celebrates Christ's presence, in the gathering of the community, in the proclamation of the Word, in the person of the priest, and above all, in his body and blood which are made sacramentally present and offered to God for the healing and blessing of peoples’ lives. 
4. Identify and explain a variety of titles for Jesus including Jesus is Lord, Matamua - firstborn and Tuakana - eldest brother. 
Year 8: Jesus - His Values and The Role of Disciples Today
Achievement Objectives
Children will be able to:

1. Develop an understanding of the Beatitudes, and their place in the lives of Christ's disciples today. 
2. Develop an understanding of original, personal and social sin and people's struggle against sin in the light of Jesus' message of forgiveness.
3. Develop an understanding of how Jesus was an advocate for the poor, the weak, the powerless and how this challenges Christ’s followers today to be the same. 
4. Develop an understanding of Jesus as Risen Lord. 
Year 7: The Holy Spirit in Scripture
Achievement Objectives
Children will be able to:
1. Develop an understanding of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament as initiating and bringing about God's great deeds for the salvation of all people.
2. Identify Scripture stories which show that Jesus was anointed, empowered, and guided by the Holy Spirit.
3. Understand the action of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament initiating and bringing about God's plan of salvation.
Year 8: The Mission of the Holy Spirit in the Church and in the World
Achievement Objectives
Children will be able to:
1. Develop an understanding of the Holy Spirit's mission in the Church as the Spirit who:
  • prepares people to go out into the world and draw others to Christ.
  • opens people's minds to the meaning of Jesus' death and resurrection.
  • makes Jesus present in the Eucharist.
  • brings people into communion with God through the Church's Sacraments.
2. Develop an understanding of how the Holy Spirit is creating, sustaining and renewing the Church.
Year 7: The Teaching Church
Achievement Objectives
Children will be able to:

1. Develop an understanding of the Scripture stories of Jesus exercising his teaching ministry.
2. Recognise the special part the apostles played in the teaching of the early                 Church.
3. Recognise and explain the role of all the bishops united with the Pope as the teachers of the whole Church.
4. Develop an understanding of how the teaching ministry is organised and carried out in the Catholic Church in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Year 8: The Living Church
Achievement Objectives
Children will be able to:

1. Develop an understanding of the images / titles used to describe the Church
  • the Body of Christ
  • the People of God
  • the Whânau - Family of Christ
  • the Community of Disciples
  • a Pilgrim People
2. Identify how the Church - one, holy, catholic and apostolic, guided by the Spirit shares in the mission of Christ to call, through word and witness, all people to God.
3. Recognise that Christians are called to bring about justice and peace in the world.
4. Recognise that the Church - a community of disciples, is called to be a visible sign of the living Christ in the world.
Year 7: Called for Others
Achievement Objectives
Children will be able to:
1. Recognise the Sacraments of Initiation, Healing and Commitment within the life of the community and understand the purpose and effect of each.
2. Show an awareness of the ritual, symbol, rite and purpose of the Sacrament of Holy Orders.
3. Recognise that through the Eucharist people are strengthened to go out and serve others.
4. Understand sacrament in the blessed and broken experiences of people’s lives.
Year 8: Commitment
Achievement Objectives
Children will be able to:
1. Develop an understanding of the ritual, symbol, rite and purpose of the Sacrament of Marriage.
2. Demonstrate an awareness of the presence of God in people’s lives and in the world.
3. Explore and discuss opportunities for reflection, prayer and spiritual experiences.
4. Research and record the history of Eucharist.
Year 7: Choices
Achievement Objectives
Children will be able to:
1.       Develop an awareness of God's gift of free will to people.
2.       Develop an understanding of the basis on which a Catholic conscience should be formed.
3.       Describe the relationship between everyday choices and judgement and life after death.
4.       Develop an understanding and respect for the sanctity and meaning of life.
Year 8: Life, Death and Christian Hope
Achievement Objectives
Children will be able to:
1.       Develop an understanding of the human person as body, emotion, intellect, and spirit (soul) and the immortality of the soul.
2.       Develop an understanding of the Catholic faith related to life after death Judgement, Purgatory, Heaven, Hell, The Second Coming, and the fullness of the Kingdom.
3.       Develop an understanding of death and burial rituals for Catholics in various cultures.
4.       Recognise situations of grief and loss and identify the place of Christian hope in these.

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8am - 4pm


+64 9 839 0380