Bring Your Own Device programme

In 2017, all Year 7 to Year 10 students will be required to have a suitable mobile device to use in class such as a Chromebook, netbook or laptop.

BYOD Information Handbook
Device recommendations

What uses can mobile devices have in the classroom that will enhance my daughter's learning?
Mobile devices offer a wide range of opportunities to enhance lessons and learning. These include:
  • at the most basic level mobile devices allow for quick research to take place without students having to be booked into computer rooms.
  • photos and video recording can be taken to record experiments, speeches, field trips, instructions or anything else for which a record is useful, allowing analysis to take place at a later date.
  • access to Ultranet resources and links to useful websites and videos.
  • participation in collaborative work on-line both in and out of class time.
  • access to educational games and other learning software such as Mathletics.

How will my daughter ensure that her mobile device is secure?
Students are responsible for the safety of any mobile devices brought to school and should keep them with them wherever practicable. For assemblies students are welcome to bring devices with them into the gym so long as they are turned off. In PE, teachers will provide a secure place for students store devices during lessons. Parents should ensure that mobile devices are covered by their contents insurance policy.

How will the school ensure that students are only accessing sites relevant to their learning?
In class, mobile devices should be used as an integral part of a lesson so teachers should ensure that students are on-task and accessing only relevant material. Student access to the internet is filtered with social media and inappropriate websites blocked. If you are aware that students are somehow able to access inappropriate sites, please contact the school. Where devices are being used inappropriately in class teachers may confiscate the device. On-going professional development is being offered to staff in regards to integrating mobile technology effectively into the classroom.

How will the school ensure that cyber-bullying is not occurring?
Access to social media websites via the wifi network is blocked and texting is not permitted in class. Digital citizenry and cyber-responsibility is taught at both Year 7 and Year 9 while all students sign a new ICT Acceptable Use Agreement at the beginning of each year which specifically covers cyber-bullying and harassment. Any cyber-bullying will be dealt with under the College’s anti-bullying policies. 

Won’t BYOD create inequality in the classroom?
Use of mobile devices in the classroom is optional. Lessons will not be built around an expectation that all students have mobile devices but lessons may allow for collaborative use in groups allowing resources to be shared. Teachers can book laptops and other mobile devices for use in their class for those who do not have them.


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8am - 4pm


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