Parent Information Centre



Government legislation requires that all schools must ensure students do not use a mobile phone during the school day. This includes during interval and lunchtime, as well as between classes. It also includes school trips and camps that take place during the school day. At St Dominic’s the school day begins at 8.40am and ends at 3.20pm.

This law comes into action at the beginning of Term 2, Monday 29th April 2024.

Phones should be left at home or turned off and kept in the student’s locker, bag or somewhere safe. Phones should not be visible at all during the school day.

Other mobile phone connected devices such as smart watches are also covered by the legislation.

St Dominic’s accepts no responsibility for the loss or damage of student property.


Mobile phones are not permitted to be used by students at school during the school day, unless required:

  • For health reasons (pass issued by Principal)
  • For learning support (pass issued by Principal)
  • For a physical disability (pass issued by Principal)
  • For curriculum purposes (staff directed)
  • For use by the College Media Team (staff directed)
  • Other special circumstances as deemed by the Principal (pass issued by the Principal)

If phones are required for curriculum purposes by the teacher, this will be at the discretion of the teacher.

Breaches of the phone rules include (but not limited to):
  • Using the device when not permitted.
  • Any sort of bullying, including online bullying.
  • Taking photos or videos of other people without their permission.
  • Storing or forwarding of inappropriate messages or content.

Where instances occur of students not following the expectations set out above, phones will be handed to a staff member, and taken to the college office at reception, where they can be collected after school at 3.20pm. Consequences will apply dependent on the circumstances. Repeated behaviour in not meeting the expectations may be considered an issue of defiance and be dealt with accordingly.

Communication with students

All students are required to have their phones switched off and kept somewhere safe and out of sight for the full school day.

Plans for afterschool pick-ups, practices and travel plans should be discussed and organised before school starts each day. In the rare event that you need to collect your daughter from school early, please contact the office to arrange for her to meet you at reception.

If you need to get in contact with your daughter during the school day (8.40am - 3.20pm) you can do so by email to her school email address or by contacting the school office on 09 839 0380.

If you choose to leave a text or voice message on your daughter’s phone, please be aware that she will not receive that message until the end of the school day, when she is allowed to turn her phone back on.

Sickness or injury at school

If your daughter becomes unwell or is injured at school during the school day, you will be contacted by the office to collect her.


In the unlikely event of an emergency such as a lockdown or evacuation, all parents and caregivers will be contacted directly by email, text or through the College app, from a staff member.


Contact Us


8am - 4pm


+64 9 839 0380